Many families already use a dedicated freezer chest to supplement their freezer. So what are the benefits and considerations involved in purchasing a freezer chest and who should do it? We go through the details in this short article.

The main benefits and considerations

The most obvious: A huge extra amount of freezer space

If have a family that consumes a very large amount of frozen items a dedicated freezer chest can be a really positive addition to your home. Freezer chests range in size from around 3 CU to 30 CU with most lying in the 4 CU-14 cu range. They therefor can provide an equal or larger supplementary space to most large freezers in a traditional refrigerator. Items also tend to be placed on top of each other making maximum use of the available space. This is incredible useful if your into bulk shopping freezer items and one of the reasons we would suggest a freezer chest to most families.


Freezer chests tend to be pretty cheap compared to a dedicated standing freezer so they tend to be a very economic way to add freezer space to your home.

Placement and aesthetics

Most homeowners are style conscious so this is an important consideration. A freezer chest can be placed anywhere in your house but making sure you have a space for them that you feel comfortable using aesthetically before buying is essential. Happily, most freezer chests do not draw attention and are simple items so they fit in quite easily to most spaces.

Item organisation

A freezer chest is a top loading model so in general you won't be able to organise your goods much , more like stack them up onto of each other. This is excellent for many frozen items but some people might crave more organisation. You probably won't get that with a freezer chest.


If you've got somewhere to put it and you want to start bulk shopping you should definitely strongly consider buying a freezer chest. They aren't too expensive and you'll be able to stockpile items easily and keep them fresh near forever.